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Caritas Europe tries to de-mythify preconceptions of migration and economic development

10 myths about migration and development

The debate about migration and development has always been a tough one. In Caritas Europa, we have always tried to make a link between the two, and to even tighten this link, as a clear sign of current times.
But, like with any “hot topic”, it can be expected that a variety of opinions and ideas are voiced about the issue. In addition to policy makers and civil society, the general public will more than likely make up its mind. However, if there is no proper communication and reliable data about the issue, opinions can quickly become distorted and lead to misconceptions.
This is why the short paper “10 myths on migration and development”* tries to deconstruct all misconceptions about the natural link between migration and development. It is bringing the discussion back to real facts and addresses, in particular, the following questions:
- Does more international development lead to less international migration?
- Can irregular migration be reduced through development aid and cooperation?
- Is the flow of migration always from south to north and from poor to rich areas?
- Does migration from a country hamper the development of that country?
- Is migration only about individual benefit?
- Would it be worthwhile to only accept more skilled migrants?
- Do migrants threaten our culture and values?
- Is Europe too open/too closed for migration?

Paper developed by the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) Europe and the Forum des Organisations de Solidarité Internationale issues des Migrations (FORIM), in collaboration with CONCORD task force on migration & development, which is co-chaired by Bob van Dillen from CORDAID/Caritas Europa
Read the paper in English, French, Spanish or Slovenian

ID: 49042
Date de parution: 15/07/16

Paper “10 myths on migration and development" EN

Created: 15/07/16. Last Changes: 15/07/16.
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